Two shows have passed. April 8-9, was the Yakima show. On Friday night we had a Dutch specialty judged by Valerie. Diego managed to win his class of 6, to win his 4th leg! He then was beaten out by my little Blue junior buck for BOSV. It was this little guys first show!
Saturday, in show A, Diego got beaten out by Double Dutch's Diesel, owned by another breeder now. This was Diesel's third leg to Grand out! Congrats to his new owner :) My little Blue jr buck won BOSV again, for his second leg.
In show B, my little Black jr buck (from the same litter as Stiletto) won a BOSV for his first leg.
Lisa dominated all three shows with her gorgeous Blue doe and Gray buck.
I went to the show to be just an exhibitor, however one of their judges was unable to make it due to a family emergency. Jan judged in show A, and I judged in show B.
This last weekend was the Bremerton show. I went with only three rabbits, the two pictured above, plus Stiletto. I was very happy with my results, for having only three. Stiletto took second both shows to Jan's Black doe. In show A, my Black jr buck was BOV for his second leg, and my Blue jr buck was BOB! I put the Blue in Breeders Choice, which he stayed up longer than what many other animals did, but was sent back before they got to the top 3.
In show B, the Blue was BOSV, but there were not enough for a leg. My Black jr buck was I believe BOV again, but he also won BOS! This gives both jr bucks 3 legs. Both the Black, and Stiletto will most likely be bumped up to seniors at the next show, since both just need senior legs to grand out.
Jan won the other BOB/BOS. I was judging, so not sure with what. Got to get my hands on some very nice rabbits.
Next show is Monroe, which I'll be judging at. I'm debating about going down to Canby with Nicole next month... Other than that, these are my last shows till State. Right now it's looking like I'll only be having 3-4 rabbits to show until July...
I currently have 3 litters in the nestbox, including a repeat breeding a Stiletto and the Black jr buck (Rogue x Diego). Audrey had her very first litter, with a total of 7. She also has one foster baby (of Sapphire's), and is being a great mom to all 8. Jada also has a litter.
I do not currently have anything for sale. I might have a young Blue jr doe available at Monroe. I am currently down to about 21 rabbits! My goal for Spring was to be at 20. Next goal is to be at 15 by the Fall!
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