Monday, July 20, 2009

Another big win!

Nicole and I had a great day with the Silver Martens last Saturday! Arson won BOB both shows, and in show B he won RESERVE IN SHOW! Jake was the judge. He is now up to 9 legs.

Maddy was BOS in the first show, and went on to win Best of the Best Opposites! Floyd was the judge. Not sure yet if there were enough does for a leg, but I don't think there were...

The Dutch did really well in show A. My Black jr doe was BOB, with her brother, a Blue jr buck being BOS. Both get their first leg. Show B, I had BOV and BOSV Black, however there were only two breeders, so no leg. Jan was BOB with her awesome little Blue jr doe, and Jean was BOS with her Tort buck.
I didn't plan on it, but end up selling the Blue buck who was BOS. I had a breeder who really wanted a Blue buck.
I do have a Black junior buck for sale. He has one leg, for a BOSV at state. He's a near perfectly marked Dutch, gorgeous head and head markings. He's just weak in the shoulders, pinched, and lacking width. He has good depth though.

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