The Silver Martens are gone, and I am now a Dutch only breeder for the next few years, until Robert and I are able to afford our own house. At that time, we'll be adding his breed of choice, the English Spots, and possibly another breed for us to raise together.
I'll admit, it's nice having only Dutch faces in the barn right now, it's been almost 5 years since they've been the only breed here. I'm down to 27 rabbits (will be 25 next weekend), and it's nice having a smaller rabbitry. It's so quick to feed and clean cages now.
Show news, went to the Yelm show at the end of last month. Only showed four Dutch and one Silver Marten. Explosive the Martian was BOS both shows, but sadly there were not enough rabbits for a leg. For the Dutch, I had hoped to grand Audrey and Katarina, both did well, but there were not enough rabbits for them to win legs in their catagories. However, Diego won BOS in both shows, for his first 2 legs! He's finally molted his ugly coat, and has a nice new pretty one.
Next show is December 4th in Monroe. Hopefully this time I'll be able to grand Audrey, Katarina, AND now Diego! I'm planning to breed both does soon, as this is my last show until March, so this will be their last chance to grand out. I'll also be showing a Black jr buck and maybe 1 or 2 Blue jr bucks. I'll also be judging at this show.