With all the recent problems here, I was afraid that none of my does would take. I'm happy to say of my 8 does that were due this last Friday, 6 of them took! These are going to be my older juniors for State Convention (will be almost 5 months old at the time). There are several nicely marked rabbits, so hopefully I have a few big winners! The litters are:
Born on 2/5/09
Sasha x Desperado- 2 Blacks, 2 Blues
Ladybug x Stryker- 4 Blacks, 1 Blue
Piper x Revolver- 3 Blacks, 5 Blues
Born on 2/6/09
Maybelline x Stryker- 7 Blues
Cover Girl x Rodeo- 2 Blacks, 3 Blues
Then Zoe had 3 Blacks, however they all dead. Sushi and Aurora are both due in a couple of weeks. Hopefully come May, I'll be able to get my show Dutch numbers up. Hope everyone else's nestboxes are full!